The term of the present False Bay Hospital Facility Board expires during February 2013.
In terms of the Western Cape Health Facility Boards Act, Act 7 of 2001 (“the Act”), the Provincial Minister of Health therefore invites community bodies or persons to nominate persons to serve as members on the False Bay Hospital Board to be newly constituted. The Minister must, in accordance with section 6(1) of the Act, appoint not less than eight but not more than fourteen members to a Board, including:
(a) persons representing a community or communities served by the health facility;
(b) at least one person with technical expertise in business, law, finance, accounting or some other area relevant to the functions of the Board;
(c) the head of the hospital;
(d) at least one person representing the clinical staff of the relevant hospital, nominated by the clinical staff of such hospital;
(e) at least one person representing the non-clinical staff of the relevant hospital, nominated by the non- clinical staff of such hospital; and
(f) in the case of a hospital where health professionals are trained, at least one person representing academic interests and nominated by the Vice-Chancellor of the relevant university.
The False Bay Hospital requires a full complement of members.
For all nominees the following information is required:
1. A signed copy of the nomination form;
2. The name of the hospital for which the nomination is made;
3. The full name and address of the nominee;
4. A signed copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae;
5. The motivation for considering the nominee a suitable member of the Board;
6. A declaration by the nominee of his or her willingness to be a member of the Board.
7. In addition to the above, for nominees in terms of section 6(1)(a) of the Act, i.e. for community representatives, the following information must accompany the nominations:
(a) The full name and address of the community body nominating the candidate and a copy of its constitution or other founding document;
(b) An indication as to whether the nominee is a member of the community body and, if so, the length of the nominee’s membership, and if the nominee is not a member, why the body nominates the person.
Persons or bodies making nominations and nominees must please take note of the following:
• The Provincial Minister of Health will appoint members.
• The position of Board member is a voluntary one with no remuneration attached to it. Board members may however be reimbursed by the Board for certain travelling expenses and subsistence expenses incurred.
Nomination forms may be obtained from and delivered to:
Mr Herman van der Westhuizen,
Ministry of Health – Western Cape Government,
PO Box 2060,
Cape Town 8000.
Tel: 021 483 5417
The nomination forms may also be delivered to the secretary of False Bay Hospital, Ms Olga de Allende –
for attention Dr N Blanckenberg – who will ensure delivery to Mr van der Westhuizen.
Tel: 021 782 1121. E-mail:
The closing date for all nominations is 28 February 2013.