Chapmans Peak Nature Sanctuary

The World’s Richest Coastal Dune Flora Written by:Dr Donovan Kirkwood (Curator, Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden)Dr Rob Anderson (chairman, NEAG)Prof Richard Cowling (Nelson Mandela University)(Photos D Kirkwood and R Anderson) Few of us who stroll through the dunes behind Noordhoek Beach realise that our coastal flora is up to three times richer in species than anywhere […]


NEAG’s newest portfolio is focussed on creating and promoting outdoor educational spaces which enable people to interact with and learn more about our incredible natural surroundings, with the aim of inspiring more people to care for and thus conserve local biodiversity. The key objectives are: Creating outdoor learning spaces. Supporting and facilitating outdoor learning activities […]

Wetland Management Visit the Western Cape Wetland Forum

Alien Clearing and Fire Management

A fiery reminder of summer By Tessa Oliver and Jo-Anne Smetherham Extreme weather events, such as the heat waves that have spread across the Western Cape this summer, are a feature of climate change. These events lead to a more severe and longer fire season and this in turn will lead to more frequent and […]


Loading… ToadNuts CV The biodiversity that we are privileged to witness in the Noordhoek valley is not a given Red list: Sclerophrys pantherina, Western Leopard Toad

Tread Lightly

“The Tread Lightly goal aims to help us live in a way that treads lightly on the land earth and underground water systems so that we do minimal damage and have minimal negative impact on the larger ecosystem,” Brad Bing, NRPA Chair #TreadLightly – one of the six goals for the Noordhoek 2030 Vision – […]